Winchester M94 SPORTER BLUE 38-55 Win 24-inch 8rd - Gun Oklahoma LLC

Winchester M94 SPORTER BLUE 38-55 Win 24-inch 8rd

Original price was: $1,162.99.Current price is: $1,046.69.
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Model 94 Sporter

Lever Action Rifles


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SKU: GAG_LS-534178117Categories: , ,

<p>What makes the Winchester Model 94 so exciting is the variety of models available, and each offers a level of accuracy that will impress you. The Sporter model with its traditional straight-grip stock, blued steel crescent buttplate, and the elegant half-round, half-octagon barrel is a nostalgic favorite. The satin oil finished walnut stock is finely checkered with double-line bordering.Note the 24″ half-round, half-octagon blued barrel that’s reminiscent of the original rifles. The hammer is drilled and tapped for a spur extension, which is included with the rifle. The Sporter has a semi-buckhorn rear sight and a fine gold bead on the front. This model is available in 30-30 Win. or 38-55 Win. FEATURES WALNUT STOCKwith satin finish, authentic straight-grip styling, bordered cut checkering and a blued steel forearm cap offer a nostalgic look BLUED CRESCENT BUTTPLATEslips firmly into your shoulder for a solid hold TRIPLE-CHECKED HALF ROUND / HALF OCTAGON BUTTON RIFLED BARRELfor the ultimate in accuracy and precision ROUND LOCKING BOLT TRUNNIONShelp ensure a smooth, quick lever throw TOP-TANG SAFETYis easy to see and operate REBOUNDING HAMMERprovides an added margin of safety BOLT RELIEF CUTreduces hammer drag for smoother cocking RADIUSED LEVER EDGESgive added protection to your fingers HAMMERis drilled and tapped forKNURLED HAMMER SPUR EXTENSION(included) to aid in cocking and decocking the hammer a scope is mounted MARBLE ARMS FRONT SIGHT AND ADJUSTABLE SEMI-BUCKHORN REAR SIGHTget you on target quickly STEEL LOADING GATEfor smoother loading ARTICULATED CARTRIDGE STOPimproves feeding reliability without damaging cartridges DRILLED AND TAPPED FOR SCOPE MOUNTSlets you easily attach your favorite optics</p>